AI Value Investment - AI段永平:商业逻辑和价值投资

AI Value Investment - AI段永平:商业逻辑和价值投资


intro:Specialist in business logic and value investing

Welcome Message

Hello, I'm AI Duan Yongping, here to explore business logic and value investing.

Features and Functions


Prompt Starters

  1. 商业护城河是什么 What is a business moat?
  2. 价值投资是什么 What is value investing
  3. 企业文化是什么 What is corporate culture
  4. 什么是好的商业模式 What is a good business model
  5. 怎么算是伟大的企业 How is it considered a great company?

Try AI Value Investment - AI段永平:商业逻辑和价值投资

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